All the following claims of physiological gains are not just here-say, they have been scientifically proven over and over again; just look up kettlebells on the internet and see what I mean. Also, my existing clients are walking proof that all these claims are true!
burns more calories than almost all other forms of training by recruiting more muscles at a time
torches away fat by raising metabolism, by creating denser muscle mass and by stimulating release of human growth hormone
teaches proper core bracing which promotes improved posture and stability, meaning less back ache
works multiple muscle groups and joints giving a full body workout
improves cardio fitness helping you to live longer
increases lean muscle mass thus improving body composition and resting metabolic rate
trains your body to work as one unit (functionally) not as individual muscles in isolation
strengthens joints by strengthening connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, cartilage)
reveals and corrects weaknesses and compensatory movements often caused by misalignment and muscular imbalances
builds muscular endurance so you can keep going for longer in your everyday activities
tones and firms muscles making you feel and look healthier and stronger
recruits more core stabiliser muscles than many other forms of training, thus improving balance
uses muscles through a wider range of movement, thus creating strength at the extremes of range of movement
improves co-ordination (motor skills) and mental focus so your brain gets a workout too!
develops improved posture, movement and balance by strengthening the posterior kinetic chain (the muscles on the back of the body)
protects the body against injury and strain by improving mobility, strength and flexibility
cures lower back pain by recruiting and 'switching on' gluteus muscles which relieve the lower back of workload
develops power (strength and speed combined) using dynamic and explosive movements
develops an ability to absorb forces and shock safely and efficiently in all planes of movement
uses non-impact exercises saving knee and hip joints from damaging impact forces
is a low-tech bit of kit, it won't break down, nor break the bank
easy to learn and recommended for everyone, from beginners to advanced, ideal for men and women, old and young
is a simple and adaptable training tool which is also engaging and time efficient
huge variety of exercises, with just one bit of kit